Personal Growth

January RESET

Photo taken during one of my walks at Chamber’s Bay, January 2022.

I turned forty this past September and for just about all of my adulthood I have been on a journey to define what an “abundant life” means. Jesus said that He came not only to give us life, but life in abundance. If abundant life is available to us, how can we not pursue that?

I believe that in order to live abundantly we have a responsibility to partner with God in doing our part to build a healthy, whole life. There are six key areas that when prioritized, lead to a life of health and wholeness: faith, relationships, nutrition, physical activity, finance, and rest. If one of these areas is lacking health, it is difficult to experience the most abundant life available to us. Yet for most of us, it is very easy to go through our days, months, and years without intentionality in these areas. I’ve found that periodic RESETS are incredibly beneficial to course-correct in order to move toward health and wholeness. (The definition of RESET is set again or differently).

In upcoming blog posts I will focus more on each of these six areas, but today I am sharing the RESETS that I felt compelled to implement in 2022. (As I reflected, my RESETS encompass five out of the six areas health).

  1. Start each day with quiet time. Scripture, prayer, and reading books that bring growth. (Faith)

    • I started the One Year Bible Plan and am reading a few books that focus on areas of my life that I want to grow in.

  2. Eat real food, mostly plants. (Nutrition)

    • I am doing a 31 day fast from junk food, ultra-processed food, and sugar. Eating food as close to the way God made it is always best!

  3. Fast from the biggest distractions. (Rest)

    • I am fasting TV for 21 days and after doing so for four days, decided to unplug from social media for the remaining 18 days of my fast.

  4. Move six days a week. (Physical activity)

    • I started doing a 30 minute strength training program Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and simply go for a walk on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

  5. Encouraging at least one person each day. (Relationships)

    • I pray throughout the day and ask the Lord to bring someone to my mind that I should encourage.

The month is not over, yet the reward from making these RESETS has been invaluable. Life giving, healthy habits are being formed and I simply just feel better. (Bonus, I’m even sleeping better)! To be honest, I know that the area that I did not focus on in January, finance, is the one that needs a RESET next. I’ve found myself making too many unnecessary purchases lately.

These RESETS were what I felt compelled to do. Yours might look different. If you haven’t implemented RESETS for awhile, I encourage you to reflect and write down areas in your life are in need of course-correction. Just because today isn’t January 1, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a great time for a RESET. You can begin today!

I’d love to hear what you have RESET this month or plan to. Please share in the comments below.