Personal Growth

I Did Not See That Coming

As I reflect on the past several years I can honestly say, I did not see that coming! King Solomon wrote, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Isn’t that the truth?!


Six years ago our family moved to Tacoma. (That was one of my, I didn’t see that coming moments). Not too long after I developed a deep burden for children in foster care and after a lot of praying about it, Tyler and I went through the process to serve as foster parents. We had three precious little ones live in our home over the span of three and a half years. At one point, with our biological children, we had five kiddos at once! (I did not see that coming).


During our season as foster parents, we were asked to serve as interim lead pastors, then elected as lead pastors of our church. We deeply love the Church but ours was in the midst of devastation and crisis and that was not an easy “yes”. We felt that the Lord was asking us to go through the doors He opened for us, and ultimately we trusted Him. We gratefully are now in our fourth year of serving as lead pastors. (I did not see that coming).


The global pandemic of 2020 was one that I think everyone can say, I did not see that coming!


After seven years of Botox injections into my vocal cords for a vocal cord disorder, I was emotionally exhausted from the uncertainty of outcomes from Botox. If an injection was “good” I would have about a week of a soft voice, followed by three months of a normal voice, then Botox again. Unfortunately, a “good” injection was unusual. I’d often have multiple weeks of a soft voice or not have a normal voice for as long as expected. I learned of and sought out surgery from the best, Dr. Berke at UCLA. In October 2021 I underwent surgery and am now in the recovery process. It has been three months and I have about nine more of recovery. (I did not see that coming).


I am still in the middle of processing so much of this and invite you to join me by reading along. I’ve been overwhelmed at times by God’s faithfulness and I feel compelled to share what I’ve learned along the way.

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