Tyler and I just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary! Though we have had plenty of highs and lows, we wanted to share some thoughts that could bless others in their journey through marriage.
Summer Bible Reading for the Littles
In my opinion, there is NOTHING better than summer! This native eastern Washington girl lives for sunshine, warm weather, iced-coffee, summer break, and did I mention sunshine?! This will be our second summer to have Bible reading as a part of the daily routine for our three kiddos. Our hope is that by equipping them with an age-appropriate plan, they will develop a hunger and love for the Word.
Wherever He Would Call Me: Our New Chapter
I’ve walked with Jesus long enough to know that a predictable life is not His primary goal for me. He cares about people; the abandoned, the orphans, the divorcees, the hurting, the hopeless, the lost. Tyler and I have had an increasingly growing burden for these as well. We’ve sensed that serving a community, through a local church was where we were being led for full-time vocation. We just had no idea how, where or when.
Christmas…With Less Stress
My family has been on a journey, of simplifying Christmas. We have spent too many years with ideals of what a perfect Christmas should look like and many holidays with stress and tension because the circumstances and the people weren’t perfect, like our ideals. It is easy to get caught up in making sure that we fulfill all of our Christmas traditions and participate in all of the festivities. It becomes “normal” to spend the season stressed out and irritated with those that mean the most to us.
Today I Will Be Thankful
Each new day gives us opportunity to find God in the little gifts. May we be aware of the ways that He speaks to us, through His creation, and to live with such grace toward others that even those who don’t yet know Jesus, see the light of His love in us.
Kiss the Fairy Tale Good-Bye
It is so easy to compare our life to those around us. I cannot count the number of times that I have compared my weaknesses to that amazing woman preacher, the gorgeous worship leader with a voice just as beautiful as her face, the toned girl in her tank and yoga pants, the angelically patient mom responding to her children, the friend with a glamorous life full of exotic vacations …. Do you ever have that inner wrestle of wondering if you are enough?
My 3 Life Lessons from the Past 33 Years
Three simple thoughts…I hope they encourage you!
An Update about Amber
As you can imagine this is a difficult thing to face, especially when most of what we do is a family centers around speaking and meeting with other people. We were talking the other day about sharing it with people beyond our family and co-workers so people could be aware and join us in prayer.
10 Marriage Tips from 10 Years
For our 10 year wedding anniversary, we thought it would be fun to write a post to invest in other peoples relationships. Over the past 10 years of marriage we have experienced incredible joy and blessing, as well as challenges. Through it all, God’s grace and faithfulness have been the anchor that has held our lives. We are thankful for the investment that MANY have made into our marriage relationship.Here are 10 Marriage Tips from 10 years of marriage that we have found beneficial.
July…Sunshine….and the Nordstrom Sale
What a season of life the Sollies are in! In June, Tyler and I made a commitment to begin financially living like no one else, so that later in life we can live and give like no one else. We’re going through Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” and completely changing our thoughts and actions with money. In doing so, I am living as if the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (which began yesterday) does not exist. To some, this may not be a big deal, but when I was 18, my first credit card was from Nordstrom. My favorite college job was at Nordstrom, and I worked at the Yakima Nordstrom on it’s very…