Best books for spiritual growth this fall
Personal Growth


Are you looking for ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus and wondering what the best books for spiritual growth are? In this post I’m going to share 5 of the “must-read” best books for spiritual growth, that have changed my life.

This past January I decided to do a “soul fast” and did not watch TV or use social media for 21 days (I loved the outcome so much that I actually extended it longer)! The amount of reading and learning that I was able to do was life-changing. So much so that I’ve adjusted my on-going relationship with screens since then.

I believe that we all have a desire to grow and be the best versions of ourselves possible. In order to do so, we have to live intentionally. We will not accidently grow spiritually, have better marriages, or be better parents.

Join me by starting to live intentionally here, by looking at 5 of the best books for spiritual growth.

Best Books For Spiritual Growth

I get asked a lot about what books I recommend and so today I am sharing the top 5 books for spiritual growth, that I personally have read and LOVE. I will say that it was NOT easy narrowing this list down to five, so I have a bonus, number six at the end.

1. Soul Keeping, by John Ortberg

This book is amazing to help gain understanding of what our souls are and how to care for them. We live in such a fast-paced world that we can go years without even thinking about our soul or what condition it is in.

I first read Soul Keeping several years ago and it made such an impact on me that I went on to take a group of women through it as a study. It’s a book that I have re-read over the years and definitely one of the best books for spiritual growth.

The soul seeks God with its whole being. Because it is desperate to be whole, the soul is God-smitten and God-crazy and God-obsessed. My mind may be obsessed with idols; my will may be enslaved to habits; my body may be consumed with appetites. But my soul will never find rest until it rests in God.

John Ortberg

2. A Tale of Three Kings, by Gene Edwards

If we have followed Jesus for very long, we most certainly have been disappointed, hurt, or let down by other Christians. This can be a very difficult process to walk through and A Tale of Three Kings is an AMAZING resource to help you.

I read this book in a season that I found myself being cynical and honestly pretty judgmental toward other Christians. OH MY GOODNESS! This book is exactly what I needed to put things in perspective and accurately see myself and my own imperfections and brokenness.

If you have not read A Tale of Three Kings yet, or if you have but it’s been awhile, this is absolutely one of the best books for spiritual growth.

What does this world need: gifted men and women, outwardly empowered? Or individuals who are broken, inwardly transformed?

Gene Edwards

3. New Morning Mercies, by Paul David Tripp

You may not be a morning person, but there is no better way to start your day, then to spend a little bit of time setting your heart on Jesus. A devotional is a great way to do just that. I promise you, it will make the rest of your day better.

New Morning Mercies is not a devotional about “doing better” and “trying harder” to be a good Christian, but rather, is a daily reminder that we need to actually encounter the living God. From that starting place, we can then go in His strength and His grace to do what we need to do.

My husband, Tyler, and I have been going through this devotional, annually, since it was a new release. It is that good! We’ve also given away DOZENS of copies of this book away as gifts.

If you own New Morning Mercies already, dust it off and jump back in with the short daily devotionals. If you don’t own this book, it is one of the best books for spiritual growth that I’ve read!

Don’t fear your weaknesses—God supplies all the strength you need. Be afraid of those moments when you think you’re independently strong.

Paul David Tripp

4. The Power Of Simple Prayer, by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer has authored many great books. Her book, Battlefield Of The Mind (linked here) could easily have made my list of best books for spiritual growth. I chose The Power Of Simple Prayer, however, because I believe that prayer is an area that most Christians would like to grow in.

Many Christians are intimidated by prayer. In fact, even Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. Jesus made it simple. Joyce Meyer makes it simple in this book as well, and I believe that The Power Of Simple Prayer can transform your life.

I read The Power Of Simple Prayer many years ago and have not viewed prayer the same way since. This is one that I plan to pull off of my bookshelf and read again this fall. It’s definitely one of the best books for spiritual growth.

Spending time with God through prayer and His word is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.

Joyce Meyer

5. Letters To The Church, by Francis Chan

Letters To The Church is a loving reminder of how far modern-day Christians’ ideas about church have drifted from the original church in the New Testament. As Christians we must remember that we don’t just go to church, WE ARE THE CHURCH.

Francis Chan reminds us that we don’t go to church to be consumers, but rather our everyday lives are designed to be lived on mission. Jesus calls His church, His bride. Do we view the church with that same reverence?

I was thoroughly challenged by this book. It caused me to do a lot of reflecting on how I view the church and how I live as “the church”. Letters To The Church has been one of the best books to grow spiritually for me.

Something that God has designed to function as a family has been reduced to an optional weekly meeting. And this has become normal. Expected. How in the world did we get here?

Francis Chan

BONUS #6. Rhythms Of Renewal, by Rebekah Lyons

I told you that it was almost impossible to list just 5 books. Okay, it was impossible. There are so many books that have had a huge impact on me and qualify as “best books for spiritual growth”.

I read Rhythms of Renewal in January, during my 21 day soul fast, and it was such an inspiring resource, and one of the best books of spiritual growth for this year.

Living life stressed out and anxious seems to have become the norm in our society. Many people don’t deal with it until their health demands that they do so.

Rhythms of Renewal is guide for transforming your life, one day at a time. There are four rhythms that Rebekah Lyons teaches through, rest, restore, connect, and create. By practicing these rhythms, we can trade our stress and anxiety for a life of peace, passion, and purpose.

The enemy of our souls wants us to be isolated and alone. He knows that when we’re isolated, we’re easy prey. Why? When we’re alone and vulnerable, we feel afraid. When we’re together and vulnerable, we become brave. A brave group of vulnerable people acting together in faith is not easily overcome by anxiety and stress.

Rebekah Lyons

The ABSOLUTE Best Book For Growing Spiritually

I cannot conclude this post without sharing what has transformed my life more than anything else. The Bible.

Honestly, sharing my opinion of the best books for growing spiritually is great, but without Scripture, these books are meaningless.

By spending quiet time with Jesus each day, you’ll grow spiritually, guaranteed. This year I have been using Life Center’s One Year Bible plan (linked here).

Almost every morning I’ve started my day by reading my Bible. The reading takes no more than 15 minutes. If 15 minutes feels like too much for you, you could read just the New Testament portion to get started.

I like having a pretty Bible so this year I purchased a very feminine one. I LOVE it! Reading a translation that’s easy to understand is important too. I really like the CSB (Christian Standard Bible), NIV (New International Version) or NLT (New Living Translation).

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2 CSB


Today I shared 5 of the best books for spiritual growth, plus a bonus! (By the way, these Sharpie gel highlighters are my absolute favorite for marking up my books and my Bible. They do not bleed through the pages)!

I’d love to hear from you! What is the best book for spiritual growth that you have read?


  • Karen D Jordan

    Love you Amber, I am personally thankful you are my Pastor’s wife. We are blessed to have Pastor Tyler, and you in our families lives. 5 generation have been affected from, Life Center, Assembly of God! What a heritage, we have!

    Love Karen Jordan